martes, 9 de julio de 2024

Rachael and Abi say their farewells to our school and more...

Our language assistants are back in América, but they are missing us already! They've sent us a video to tell their experience and wish us all a great course next year. 

You have left such an imprint here and so many unforgetable memories! We will see you again one day.... No doubt! 💗💗

                                                Rachael's video

                                            Abi's video

domingo, 23 de junio de 2024

Movilidad Erasmus+ KA 210 SCH profesorado

Our second project Erasmus+ KA 210 SCH is dedicated to teachers' instruction in "New digital tools to overcome post pandemic learning difficulties". This time, four of our teachers went to Ponte de Lima and Porto, from the 19th to the 23rd of May. In this first trip we learned about Design Thinking Methodology and how to create video reels and quizzes from Canva, but there was also some sightseeing, English and Italian language practice and enriching experiences through cultural exchanges with the other partners from Italy, Portugal and Turkey. 

Here you have a video of the experience.

Later on, the participants from our school gave a Canva workshop to our own staff to share the knowledge, which was very productive and very well received by all those who attended.

Erasmus+ KA-122 SCH Nuestros estudiantes en Aprilia y Roma! Ciao, Bella!

May, 6th was a very special date... the day 8 children from our school went to Aprilia and Rome to spend 5 days full of amazing experiences and shared activities with Italian students. 

We came back on the 10th, with lifted spirits and the satisfaction of a very well done job. The children didn't want to come back and that's always a good sign! 

Here you have a video-reel of this fantastic experience! Thanks to the E.U and the SEPIE in Spain for making it all possible. 😍

miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2024

Easter egg hunt videos! - Vídeos de la búsqueda de huevos de Pascua

Lots of fun and learning! ¡Aprendieron y se diviertieron un montón!👏😍


Easter egg hunt 2024! Ready, steady, go!!

 Happy Easter, everyone! Feliz Pascua!

To celebrate the beginning of Springtime, our school has organized several activities, like Easter egg decoration, school trips, and best of all... an Easter egg hunt that our youngest and our oldest students have equally enjoyed! 

(Para celebrar el comienzo de la primavera, nuestro colegio ha organizado diferentes actividades, como la decoración de huevos de Pascua, diferentes excursiones y, lo mejor de todo, ¡una búsqueda de huevos de Pascua que han disftutado por igual pequeños y mayores!)

The little ones looked for them in the pre-school playground and the older primary students found them while completing an orientation game around the school perimeter, with clues to complete an English word about Easter. Here you have some photos with their prizes... a delicious chocolate egg! 

(Los más pequeños los buscaron en el patio de infantil, mientras que los mayores de primaria los encontraron mediante una actividad de orientación con pistas para completar la palabra escondida (en inglés). Aquí tenéis algunas fotos con sus premios... ¡un delicioso huevo de chocolate!)

lunes, 19 de febrero de 2024



BILITRAMS' team has fulfilled another dream... to celebrate Carnival with children from our 5 schools all together. 

It was a difficult task, specially for the amount of students involved... around 500... but we did it! 

Last Friday, February the 16th, nearly 500 children and their teachers gathered in the UMA's sport centre. The excuse was to celebrate Carnival, but apart from the parade, and some singing (La chirigota: We are BILITRAMS), they also made lots of new friends with the activities: "Find someone who" and "My friend's costume". It was so much fun!

We are leaving here some photos and videos from the event, and the documents we used for the activities.


